A "state based on the eternal love of God"
Believing in the inherent goodness of others is all well and good, but perhaps the metaphysicals would like to take a step into real life? Let’s leave all those debates about the course texts alone for just a moment and try to see how your “state based on the eternal love of God, a natural order (such as the one described by Boethius), or the inherent goodness of mankind” stacks up to the Hobbesian world…
Besides the obvious difficulties one would have implementing such a state, the metaphysicals seem to think that turning the state into a religious state is the answer. I think that one of your problems lies in the fact that your state, which preaches “the eternal love of God”, does not take into consideration all of the diverse cultures and religions which make up a country. While your granting of a state which “conducts itself by giving over love and free will to its intended subjects, so that they are not subjects at all, but individual sovereigns”, you are falling into Hobbes’ Of Man and how we all have freewill. How can we all be individual sovereigns and be a part of a state? In your description of the metaphysical version of the state, you seem to place the love of God a fundamental component. But, which god will we be loving? Milton’s? Wait, what if I don’t buy all that religious stuff – will I be cast out (though, no doubt in loving manner I suppose)?
So, then if your state somehow comes into being, who’s going to be running this lovesick ship? If we’re all individual sovereigns, it would seem no one will be… which throws us into the world of chaos as everyone, according to their absolute freewill, will do whatever they please to do. Except for your “eternal love of God”, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything really holding your world together.
>>>>To be continued!
Besides the obvious difficulties one would have implementing such a state, the metaphysicals seem to think that turning the state into a religious state is the answer. I think that one of your problems lies in the fact that your state, which preaches “the eternal love of God”, does not take into consideration all of the diverse cultures and religions which make up a country. While your granting of a state which “conducts itself by giving over love and free will to its intended subjects, so that they are not subjects at all, but individual sovereigns”, you are falling into Hobbes’ Of Man and how we all have freewill. How can we all be individual sovereigns and be a part of a state? In your description of the metaphysical version of the state, you seem to place the love of God a fundamental component. But, which god will we be loving? Milton’s? Wait, what if I don’t buy all that religious stuff – will I be cast out (though, no doubt in loving manner I suppose)?
So, then if your state somehow comes into being, who’s going to be running this lovesick ship? If we’re all individual sovereigns, it would seem no one will be… which throws us into the world of chaos as everyone, according to their absolute freewill, will do whatever they please to do. Except for your “eternal love of God”, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything really holding your world together.
>>>>To be continued!
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